Meson Quantitative Management

“In the short term, the stock market is a voting machine; in the long term, it is a weighing machine” – Benjamin Graham

Gravity: Deep Fundamental Statistical Arbitrage Powered by Machine Learning


Machine Learning Powered Investing

Public markets investing requires – by law – that all participants have the same information. Investing in public securities is an information processing problem: buy/sell which stocks and when? A unique feature of public markets is the ability to sell short or bet against companies that one believes will decline in the future. In a world of exponential change, the only certainty is that those that fail to adapt will decline and fall. Our deep business and investing experience helps us identify leading indicators of future business success or failure.

Meson Quantitative Approach

Our software engineering and machine learning capabilities allow us to implement this long term investing approach in a consistent, disciplined manner with scientific rigor. We automate fundamental long/short investing, not high frequency trading. Our experience as long term fundamental investors: with activist, business building, and shorting expertise, is designed into our systems. We teach the machine how to think like an experienced fundamental investor, then it learns from the data.

  •  Focused on longer holding periods and smaller public companies than typical quant investors so we are competing in the domain of traditional discretionary investors.
  • Applies fundamental investing principles thoroughly, consistently, and scientifically.
  • Seeks to capture “Disaster Alpha”, performing strongly during broad market downturns